Saturday, December 5, 2009


It is through ACTION that we bring about the change we want to manifest.

The last time I stood in front of the Bay of Pigs Memorial was in 1998, with my beloved Mother, who wanted to visit Calle Ocho and say a silent prayer at the site. A pray for the fallen, for the political prisoners, and a pray for those held hostage on the island by a cruel madman, as she called him.

Today on the day of Human Rights I stood there with many mothers, fathers, sisters and brothers!

A peaceful loving event that united the exile community!

Exile community from 1959 to the present, this type of peaceful manifestation is what Castro, his cronies and those that parade in Miami, have never wanted to see happening.

It does not matter, who you are, what year you arrived or what you do, the bottom-line is we have a common goal. I will add that all Cubans share the same hope-full expectation for a free Cuba, without the tyrant’s Fidel and Raul Castro and their side kicks.

As exiles we know and understand that the people of Cuba must bring about the change within the island.

Today we were present for, Dr.Darsi Ferrer, Dr.Oscar Elias Biscet, for Las Damas en Blanco and many others who's human rights have been and continue to be violated!

Many exile organizations of different years were present to embrace, Exilio Unidos Ya!

Also present was the organization from Honduras that took a position of action and did not allow socialist-communist principles run over their civil and human rights.  Thank you for your action of support!

Also present a Colombian singer/songwriter, who wrote a song for Cuba, united with the exile community, showing support. Hope-full, expectation for a concert celebrating LIBERTY, with Olga Guillot, Willy Chirino, Gloria Estefan and many others, one day, in a free Cuba.

To think all this started on facebook, the virtual world united us throughout many locations today. We met in person and we continue on the journey to realize the changes that must take place on the island. 

In the 21st Century it is about Global inter-connectivity, through technology and lessons of history.  The way we connect, the way we watch television has changed and will change.

To see a few elders there! that I remember their faces when my parents attended such manifestations or came together for the cause of a free Cuba. They should be an inspiration to all of us, for 50 years they continue the plight for a free Cuba, no circumstance stops them.

As someone very special who could not be there, said to me today, there are 365 days in the year, we need to do this throughout the year, so we show real true Unity of Purpose for a free Cuba. To show the tyrant and his people who are parading in Miami that the Exile community is to be respected and will continue to stand United. We will continue to denounce human and civil rights violations not only in Cuba, wherever it takes place.

In our Unity of Purpose,

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