Monday, September 21, 2009

No Man is an Island

The day after the Juanes concert, it was a blessing to see so many Cubans have at least 6 hours to taste Liberty. Today, they are back to their reality and Miami continues to be divided. I say this with the utmost respect; we cannot continue the division among ourselves because we become our worst enemy. It should not be surprising to anyone with a brain & heart that for 50 years Castro has manipulated, YOU, the World & the USA. To achieve Liberty the youth of Cuba will need to rise up and demand it, rise up and demand the release of political prisoner’s that have done nothing but to express their differences, rise up and change the system. It is time to change Castro's Cuba! It is up to those inside Cuba to change its destiny and seal its fate. What we must do is be in Unity with a message of True Change in a peaceful and civil manner, we must stop the power play of the ego which is what got us into this mess in the first place. Exile’s I say this with respect, for 50 years you have fallen for the Castro trap, do you not know by now that he plants his seeds at your rallies, in your work place , in your schools and in different governments, including the USA. He does this because he knows he can control your emotions. Do we change this; or do we continue with the same of the same. Cuba deserves to breathe and hear the liberty bells! What we have never understood is that liberty comes at a cost and it is to, Stand up to claim your rights and bring about Change for the time is here and now. The fate of Cuba is in the hands of all Cubanos working together for the betterment and Greatness of their nation. It is time for the Castro's and their regime of hatred and blame to leave Cuba in peace and Go Away!!! and perhaps finally the people of Cuba and those in Exile can find true liberty in our beloved Cuba, and learn to live among one another. To achieve this dream we know that it is ONLY in a Free and Democratic Cuba and Yes, without the Castro dynasty! "I cultivate a white rose", Jose Marti

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Do not allow the concert to divide us...

The Juanes concert is upsetting a few Exile Cubans throughout the World. We must remain positive for those Cubans on the Island. It should not be surprising to anyone with a brain & heart that for 50 years Castro has manipulated the World & the USA. We must understand that the Cuba of yesterday lives in our hearts and memories. Castro's Cuba is the one created by the revolution. What we must do is be in Unity with a message of True Change in a peaceful and civil manner, we must take a leadership position and educate those on the island about their history, so that we can respect one another. Cuba belongs to all those that were born their, regardless of when and where they live today. The bottomline is as Cubans we must Stand Up and bring about Change for the time is here and now. The Cubans on the Island & the Exile community both must change so that we can finally have true liberty in our beloved Cuba, and learn the lessons of History. The coin has 3 sides: Theirs, Yours and The Truth...we must write our Truth so that we can have closure and move on in a Free and Democratic Cuba and Yes, without the Castro dynasty! Peace, Love, Understanding, Compassion and Cuba Libre!!!
"I cultivate a white rose", Jose Marti

Will try my best to write in Spanish...

El concierto de Juanes trastorna unos pocos Exilio a cubanos a través del Mundo. Debemos quedarnos positivo para esos cubanos en la Isla. No debe estar sorprendiendo a nadie con un cerebro & corazón que durante 50 años Castro ha manipulado el Mundo & el EEUU. Debemos comprender que la Cuba de vive ayer en los corazones y memorias. Cuba de Castro es el uno creado por la revolución. Qué nosotros debemos hacer es está en la Unidad con un mensaje del Cambio Verdadero en una manera pacífica y civil, nosotros debemos tomar una posición de liderazgo y educar ésos en la isla acerca de su historia, para que podamos respetar el uno al otro. Cuba pertenece a todo ésos que nacieron su, a pesar de cuando y donde ellos viven hoy. El bottomline es como cubanos que Debemos Pararnos y deber producir el Cambio para el tiempo es ahora mismo. Los cubanos en la Isla & la comunidad de Exilio deben cambiar para que nosotros por último podamos tener la libertad verdadera en nuestra amada Cuba, y aprender las lecciones de la Historia. La moneda tiene 3 lados: ¡Suyo, Suyo y La Verdad. ..debemos escribe nuestra Verdad para que podamos tener cierre y movimiento en una Cuba Libre y demócrata y Sí, sin la dinastía de Castro! ¡La paz, el Amor, la Comprensión, la Compasión y Cuba Libre!!! "Cultivo una rosa blanca", Jose Marti

Lt. Cornel Merob Sosa Garcia

For all those new friends and those that are my fans. As friends and fans it is important to make you aware of who I am. I am not here to justify or not justify anything I have done or have not done. I am here to educate on facts, history and truth. Since there is so much propaganda on me created by the 1959 Cuban revolution, the Castro brothers, and their side kick Ernesto Guevarra, aka CHE. I have never had the chance of clearing my name, till now, the wonderful 21st Century. I wish I would have been all the things they accuse me of, if I were they would have NOT been in power for 50 years. Perhaps, if I would have been like Castro & Che they would have never taken over Cuba, the same with my brothers in arms. My friends & fans do not be fooled by the media and Hollywood with their myths and fiction. My name has been mentioned in many books, magazines and recently I made it to Hollywood, in the Che part 1 movie of this director, Steven Soderbergh, his information is only from the writings of Castro & Che. Did he ever ask my Family for permission to use my name? Does he know how many attorney's, I have in my family? It is ok, I forgive him, he is just one of the many ignorant fools in Hollywood. My family and I are grateful to him, because we will set the record straight! With no political agenda, it will be based on historical facts, which is called, TRUTH. My family and friends are humbled by you being our friends, all we want is to tell our side of the know the COIN has two sides. Thank you... "Cultivo una rosa blanca", Jose Marti

Lt. Cornel Merob Sosa Garcia

Many may be wondering, who is this guy on facebook and now a blog? It is a valid question. The FB page and blog are to bring awareness. Created to honor our mother's last wishes, in regards to her beloved, Cuba, and what she experienced with our Father. As the youngest daughter of Merob; I, as many in my generation of cuban exile's, have gone through this Journey and the discovery of who we are, the knowing of the country, in which, we were born, B.C. (before Castro) The discovery of this child and of his grand children, is what started them questioning, why do they write such lies and certain accusations that distort the truth. Bottomline, lies of not only Merob, yet of others. This truly upset our mother and she always wanted to finish the memories my dad started;however, after his death in 1975, in NJ, it was hard for her. Than here comes the internet, what an awesome tool, we all love it, well here is google and now our dad has made it to google. Of course the source is, the communist propaganda of Cuba, and their Granma newspaper. Well, it is up to their children and I encourage all the children to Stand Up and clarify the story. No one has truly ever rebuttal the Castros & Che writings, well, my friends, the time has come. Yes, many authors have written stories;nevertheless, we need to tap into mainstream media. The American and International community! This is way, I decided to create a FB page and blog for my Dad and all the Dads that fought against communism. Many of them never had due process, many spent endless years of their youth as political prisoners, and many were able to leave the country, prior to Cuba being turned over to Fidel Castro in 1959, due to Presidential orders. My friends, I am working on the biggest project of my life. A film project that will include the story of every Cuban, in one way or another. Yes, for those wondering, it has been copywrited. I have made great contacts with wonderful individuals that will be involved in this project. I have wonderful friends that some how or another have been or are involved in film and have encouraged me to move forward. Feel free to contact me directly, if you have anything you feel you like to contribute.
In our Unity of purpose,